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Senior year is full of lots of memorable and fun times, but it is also known for making seniors feel like the year is dragging on and make us lose motivation to finish our high school careers strong. This is known as “senioritis” and I have to admit as I am finishing up my college applications and planning out my life after this year, I am falling victim to this mindset. I know I am not alone feeling like this so here are some tips on how to beat senioritis.

Set goals for yourself!

By giving yourself specific goals you want to meet each semester it will make you more determined to put the work in to attain them. No matter how big or small these goals are they can keep your mind stimulated and interested in what you are doing in school. Not only should you write down what you want to achieve, but add HOW you plan to do this, it will help keep your goals realistic.

Take it one day at a time!

It is easy to fantasize about life after high school and all the fun and exciting adventures that await you, but it’s important to focus on where you are right now. Some tips to help with being engaged in the present are using a daily planner and creating to-do lists. Listing out everything you need to get done each day will keep you organized and focused. On top of this, if you don’t go into each day as a chance to do something important, you will miss out on potential memories you could be making in your senior year.

Grades still matter!

I know it is tempting after being accepted into college to let your grades drop, but it is just as important to maintain the grades you had before being accepted. Colleges still check your grades after sending you your acceptance letter and if you allow them to slip, they may reconsider whether you are fit for their school or college life. A way to fight dropping grades is by carving out time to study in your schedule. Not only should you make the time, but in this time shut out all other distractions, stay completely focused on your work and get the most out of it.

Make the most out of the time you have left!

This year is the last time you will get with most of your classmates, you don’t want your last memories of your time here to be fantasizing about leaving! Take the time to have some fun with your friends, make new memories and cherish the time you get with each other before you part separate ways. Balancing out work and play will allow you to make the most out of your senior year.

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